Welcome to our blog!
We figured it was time we gave a little explanation for those of you who don't know what this is all about. The short version is that we quit our jobs, are selling our cars, putting our belongings in storage and heading south. And this is where we, Micah (also known as H3, as the 3rd of 4 Hoelter boys) and I, Julia (shortened to J2 when our other friend Julia is involved in the conversation) will keep you updated on our adventures!
The slightly more in-depth explanation: Eight years ago, my older sister moved to Nicaragua for the Peace Corps. Four years later, she met her husband and they now have an adorable almost toddler, my nephew, Kaiden. If you saw how cute this kid is, you'd move too. I've always dreamed of moving closer to my sister and luckily for me, Micah has some experience with leaving everything he knows for a little adventure. We fly to Nicaragua on January 20th, along with my parents and brother who will stay for a few weeks. After a month or so in Nicaragua, living in my sister's house with her and her family, surfing everyday, and practicing our Spanish, we'll head out. We don't know where, but plan to spend time in every country in Central America and maybe even venture over to Cuba and Jamaica. And every few months, we'll return to Nicaragua for some family time, home cooked food, and laundry. We will likely return to the states sometime next December, but time will tell!
5 more weeks- we've never been so excited to be unemployed and homeless!